
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ask Gimme Bliss!

One of the reasons I started this blog is because I've spent an awful lot of time reading about bliss, thinking about how to follow mine, and also asking people I know to think about what their bliss might be.

I definitely feel one of my purposes in life is to guide people toward reflection so that they may discover their own path. I even had my freshman English students do a writing assignment on what Joseph Campbell's "follow your bliss" statement meant to them.

To that end, I'd love to hear your questions or thoughts on what you'd like to know more about. I'm curious about what you're interested in, and what you feel like you need explained more clearly or thoroughly.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, thank you for being patient with my somewhat erratic posting schedule. I promise it will return to normal in a short while.

Now, ask away!


Anonymous said...

Tiffany, hello -

It seems to me that renunciation is an integral and necessary part of following your bliss. I don’t think that everyone has to “go into the woods” in a literal sense, but there has to be some giving up of old ways in order to get to the new. My question is: how do you know how much to leave behind? For example, I really enjoy my job, but it’s not in alignment with my gifts. My husband and I have been discussing our mid-term plans (5-10 yrs) and making financial preparations in expectation that I will take up my avocation full time (or much closer to full time). This has the interesting effect of changing my perspective on my current job. Now it’s not “just work”, but the foundation for a future more in alignment with my bliss. In short, not only do I like my job, I also value it… which makes me question the idea of giving it up all together. The conflict is that I believe that to not follow my bliss cheats not only myself, but also anyone who might benefit from my words. All of which leads me back to my question: How do you know when to say “when”?


Naomi from IttyBiz said...

Hi Tiffany...

Congratulations on starting out in your freelancing journey. I think that's fantastic and I wish you all the success in the world. I'll definitely be following your progress. :)

Have a great first day.